Inspection form passed

Plan Reviews and Inspections

The Fire District provides plan review of new and changing construction. A plan review is conducted in cooperation with Spokane County or the City of Deer Park.

The Fire District conducts routine fire and life safety inspections of high hazard occupancies, businesses, childcare facilities, and schools.

If you have questions regarding plan review or want a fire and life safety inspection, please contact Battalion Chief Jared Harms.

Additional Services

Knox Key Program and Gate Codes

Spokane County Fire District 4 participates in a national program that provides firefighters with immediate access to your building in the event of a fire or related emergency when the building is locked. Knox are primarily used for commercial occupancies but an increasing number of people are using this program for access to residential properties.

To purchase a Knoxbox or learn more about the program please contact Battalion Chief Jared Harms, 509-467-4500.


Car Seat Check-up

Schedule an appointment with SCFD4’s Child Passenger Safety Technicians to check your current car seat(s) for proper installation. Our technicians will also help you understand passenger safety laws, show you how to choose your next car seat and give you handy car seat safety tips.

Appointments are free and take approximately 1 hour to complete.

SCFD4 Child Passenger Car Seat Technicians

To Make an ApptPlease call 509-467-4500


Transport Billing

When you get emergency care or are treated by an out-of-network provider at an in-network hospital or ambulatory surgical center, you are protected from surprise billing or balance billing.

Consumer Notice Surprise Billing 

Emergency vehicles parked outside station 41

National Fire Protection Association

NFPA’s Firewise USA® program teaches people how to adapt to living with wildfire and encourages neighbors to work together and take action now to prevent losses.

Public Education

Smoke Alarms

Ad for smoke alarms, make them work for you!
Click here to register for a smoke alarm installation

Get out FAST!

Ad reading: Fire is fast! You could have less than 2 minutes to get out safely once the smoke alarm sounds. Working smoke alarms give you early warning so you can get outside quickly!

Public Records Request

In accordance with the provision of RCW 42.56, public records may be inspected or copied, or copies obtained by members of the public as follows.



Requests shall be made in writing to the District Chief or his designee and shall include the following information:

  • The name and address of the person requesting the record.
  • The time of day the calendar dates on which the request was made.
  • The nature of the request.
  • If the matter requested is referenced in a current index maintained by the District, a reference to the requested record as it is described in said index.
  • If the matter requested is not identifiable by a reference to an index, an appropriate description of the record requested.

Requests for public records may be faxed to SCFD4 at 509-467-6032, emailed to [email protected], or mailed to:

Spokane County Fire District 4

Attn: Records Request
315 E Crawford St
Deer Park, WA 99006


*Spokane County Fire District 4 will not release a report if an incident is under investigation

*EMS incident reports will not be released without the written authorization of the patient/s involved.


Download the Public Records Request form here or fill out the following form.

Click here to make a public records request online!
Fire truck parked in a field with a setting sun behind it

Address Signs

Help Us Help You


Spokane County Fire District 4 has an address signage program to give the highest and fastest emergency response possible to its residents. The purpose of the program is to help the emergency responders to locate the correct address quickly.

In rural settings, sometimes the mailbox may not be located near the property, or the property is on a shared driveway with many other homeowners. Addresses can also be difficult to locate due to limited visibility at night, during rain, fog, or snow conditions.

District 4 have also noticed that sometimes the numbering on the mailbox might be on the opposite side that we may be responding from and or the numbering is unreadable due to size and weathering.

The Spokane County Code of Ordinances (BP-39) requires owners and residents to number their homes.

To request an address sign application from Spokane County Fire District 4, please contact the District Office at 509.467.4500 or email [email protected]. You can download it here or you can receive an application from any of our response vehicles in the field or visit any of the five staffed stations in Deer Park, Riverside, Wayside, Chattaroy or Colbert.

The District’s Operational funds are used primarily for personnel, equipment, facilities, and supplies. To help offset the costs associated with this address sign program, the District gratefully accepts voluntary donations. No donation is required to receive the property address sign. The full amount of any donation is tax deductible. Materials alone for each sign cost approximately $50.00.

The District is a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Washington and donations to the District are income tax deductible pursuant to Internal Revenue Service regulations.

Donations should be made payable to Spokane County Fire Protection District No. 4 and sent to SCFD4 315 E Crawford Deer Park, WA 99006. If additional information is needed, please contact the District Office at 509.467.4500.

Due to weather and ground conditions, address signs will only be installed from March 31 to November 1. The placement of the sign on your property could take eight to ten weeks. 

School Programs

Fire and Disaster Readiness

Spokane County Fire District’s school programs are opportunities to educate children about fire and life safety. Preparedness is a top priority for our department.

Exit Drills In The Home (EDITH)

The EDITH program is presented to 4th graders throughout the district. The EDITH house is an actual full-size trailer that resembles a camping trailer from outside, and a real house inside. The kids visit the kitchen to talk about cooking safety, then they go to the living room to talk about candle/heater/fireplace safety.

The most exciting part of the tour happens in the next room. In the “bedroom”, the students learn about checking for heat in closed bedroom doors and about having two ways out. A smoke detector will sound and fake smoke begins to fill the room. The heated door tells them they can’t go that way, so the window is used for escape. There are firefighters outside to help the children get down safely, and then they gather at a “meeting place” to learn the importance of having one!

Click here to learn more about how to make a home fire escape plan and EDITH.

Sound Off

SOUND OFF WITH THE HOME FIRE SAFETY PATROL – A fire safety program for students and families

Each year in the United States, almost 3,000 people die in home fires. Research shows that having working smoke alarms can cut the risk of dying in a fire almost in half. To better protect the community of Spokane County Fire District 4 (SCFD4), we have adopted the Sound Off with the Home Fire Safety Patrol program. Sound Off is a school-and community-based initiative to reach households with education and smoke alarms to keep them safe from home fires. Sound Off is the only evaluated classroom-based program designed specifically to provide home safety visits along with effective classroom lessons to ensure that homes have working smoke alarms and knowledge of what to do when they beep (warning of a home fire) or chirp (signaling low battery power).

SCFD4 works through local 2nd and 3rd grade classrooms and community events to raise awareness of the importance of working smoke alarms and to install free smoke alarms in homes that lack this vital protection. Sound Off was field-tested through six previous DHS/FEMA grants and proven successful in hundreds of communities throughout the United States, with an average national student knowledge gain of 46.8%.

Program Objectives

  • To educate children and their families about smoke alarms including their sounds, their care, and their life-saving importance
  • To foster a community-wide approach to fire safety by forging partnerships among students, families, educators, fire personnel, and life safety educators
  • To identify families that do not have enough working smoke alarms and to provide and install smoke alarms provided through the American Red Cross and other safety partners.

15-Year Old Put Just-Learned CPR Skills to The Test on Grandfather

March 25, 2014, Richard Morgan, left, suffered cardiac arrest recently and survived because his granddaughter Shelby Morgan, 15, knew CPR. Shelby had just taken a CPR class in school a few days before. – Spokesman Review

Morgan standing behind grandfather

Insurance Rating

Fire Class Rating

Spokane County Fire District 4 has a Fire Protection Class Rating of 4 across the entire district, including the city of Deer Park.

Your rating may be different if your property is greater than five road miles from a fire station and/or your property is located more than 1,000 feet from a fire hydrant.

For additional information regarding how Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau determines classification, please call 509-467-4500.


For information of distance from you home to a Fire Station, on the Map to the left, click on the nearest marker to your home. Then select the “Google+page” link to open in another window. Now click “Directions” and enter your address. This will then give you distance options.

Additional Resources

Links to help children stay prepared for disasters

If you have any questions or would like to schedule a fire station tour please contact our District Office at 509-467-4500.

Smokey the bear
Sparky the fire dog
USFA Kids logo
Sound off with the home safety patrol